February 06, 2021

Magazine Interview

Bringing Happiness to Third World Countries Through Art

Los Angeles resident Steve Dee is the founder of Jobs-Liberia.com, a U.S. based humanitarian organization and internet company. The company’s mission is to create organic jobs by using its trading App.

Rah-E-Zendegi magazine recently spoke to Steve Dee.

Please tell our readers where you grew up and walk us through your background.

I was born in Tehran, Iran in 1970. My family and I moved to the U.S. because of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, and I was raised in Los Angeles, California. Because I was born severely dyslexic, and not diagnosed as such, I was often unable to do my schoolwork. Consequently, I was extremely physically abused, humiliated, and tortured in front of my classmates by my teachers. I had pens put between my fingers and then extremely painfully squeezed. I was forced to hold my hands open while the teacher struck across my palms with the metal edge of a ruler. I was slapped across the face so many times that I had to have surgery to fix a ruptured eardrum. All for not being able to do my schoolwork.

The emotional and physical scars left me thinking of myself as worthless, one that did not deserve to be loved. Later on, I had to drop out my senior year of high school to help my family who was facing economic difficulties at the time.

What steps have you taken to overcome your disability, and what are the daily challenges for someone with dyslexia?

There are different levels of dyslexia and if diagnosed by first grade, one can generally overcome the disability. I am severely dyslexic, and even today I need help with practically everything that involves reading and writing. My parents knew about my condition but regrettably were unable to help, and I was too young to help myself. At this stage of my life, I try to help and guide parents and children with dyslexia as much as I can.

What is Jobs-Liberia and why did you form this company?

During the 2009 crash under infinite pressure, I broke both emotionally and physically. For many years I experienced crippling depression due to my numerous health problems. I couldn't work or get access to good medical care. Then finally, I got a lucky break when an attorney took my disability case on a contingency fee.

The second fortuitous moment in my life was when I heard a TED Talk by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Leymah Gbowee, about some of the dire conditions in Liberia. It was at that point that I realized that I have food in the fridge, a roof over my head, a bed to sleep on, and doctors to help me heal. That’s when I chose to devote my life to humanitarian work.

After becoming enlightened by Leymah Gbowee’s TED Talk, I formed Jobs-Liberia, a “GoodNews” website to create jobs through trade. Since the company’s formation, I have also developed an app where people with no physical address in third world countries can create a GPS location of their home in slums and shantytowns. It is a digital yellow pages to put their products and services on-line. This way, organic jobs can be created in the poorest parts of the world by using trade.

One of my major successes I tackled with Jobs-Liberia was to bring the knowledge of HIV prevention pills, Truvada to the English-speaking parts of Africa called "many voices equals loud shout". The post created a movement of millions of Africans to go to their health care providers and ask for the medication. That post got around 400,000 likes plus thousands of shares and comments. Through the “GoodNews” arm of my organization, I was able to use art to brighten people's lives. Art has no language barrier and can be a powerful instrument to enhance people’s lives both financially and emotionally.

Your Facebook Page has proven to be extraordinarily successful internationally The posts are routinely reaching an audience of over six million with hundreds of thousands of engagements per post. What do you attribute this success to?

The current pandemic and socio-economic factors worldwide have contributed to a general malaise and a depressed atmosphere. Most people are looking for a vehicle to find happiness and our GoodNews posts fulfill that need. I am delighted to see the positive results.

What are your plans on growing the organization?

I'm basically a one-man show and I use subcontractors from Fiverr.com to help me get things done. The site is popular in over 100 third-world countries, I am looking for friendly partnerships to help scale the app and are open to bringing more happiness throughout all the third-world countries. My greatest hope would be to get sponsorship from Coca-Cola as they are ubiquitous in every country. My goal is that this project can grow without any need for additional investment on my side, as I am using my disability money to fund the project. I hope to partner up with organizations that have global scaling capabilities.

As a Los Angeles resident, I am dismayed at the number of homeless in the city. I would very much like to get involved in some manner to improve the status quo. One possible solution would be for the government to make *Slab City a Palm Springs of sorts for the homeless.

*Slab City, also called “The Slabs” is a 100 acre unincorporated, off-the-grid squatter community in the Salton Trough area of the Sonoran Desert, in Imperial County, California.  

September 17, 2019

HIV Pill Stops 99 Out of 100 People from Getting HIV! Many voices equal a loud shout!!! Great news! Our HIV news story on Prep going generic has gone viral in Africa, 4.6 million views. I am happy to report some voodoo solutions no longer require child killings!

May 28, 2020

Overcoming Depression, Anxiety & Feelings of Worthlessness. “We’re only as sick as our darkest secrets!” We can wash away the pain and replace it with feelings of self forgiveness. There are many 12-step programs. This 12 step program has helped millions overcome ALL KINDS OF emotional problems throughout the world. IT JUST WORKS! Drug & alcohol abuse can be stopped. Addictive Disorders such as drug abuse and alcoholism are illnesses often inherited from family. If you know someone with this Gene many times it can be triggered due to extreme emotional distress. Please help us bring this LIFE SAVING therapy throughout Liberia. “Knowledge itself is power” This audio recording of the Joe & Charlie The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous will help people to understand addictive disorders and how to overcome it.

March 18, 2020

Coming soon a FREE Trade, Buy & Sell app!!! You will be able to promote YOU and YOUR business across Liberia for FREE!

Be your own BOSS! Help us, Help you. (Low Battery & DataApp) It’s FREE! Set up your OWN STORE. Trade a book, Sell, Buy, Anything & Everything, any product, any service! HELP us test OUR App so we can MAKE IT RUN BETTER for you! Mark the place where you want to meet and we’ll help the 180,000 people that follow our site in Liberia easily find you within 500 steps of were there standing. This product was 2 years in the making, it took 2 times longer then we thought and it cost much more than we wished but we finally got it done! Please, any feedback would help us a lot. Much LOVE Jobs Liberia Family September 20 2018 We’re Back!!! JobsLiberia family would like to thank all the people that supported us in making us become the

#1 story on Google News. Also, we would like to thank AllAfrica.com the largest news outlet in Africa, for publishing our story and helping us feel heard. We have now overcome the software issues with Facebook and will start posting our GoodNews stories again regularly. It turned out to have been a software glitch that was not letting us reach all of the people that had subscribed to our Facebook Page. MUCH LOVE, for all the LOVE.

September 20, 2018

We’re Back!!! Jobs-Liberia family would like to thank all the people that supported us in making us become the #1 story on Google News. Also, we would like to thank AllAfrica.com the largest news outlet in Africa, for publishing our story and helping us feel heard. We have now overcome the software issues with Facebook and will start posting our Good News stories again regularly. It turned out to have been a software glitch that was not letting us reach all of the people that had subscribed to our Facebook Page. MUCH LOVE, for all the LOVE

July 31, 2018

On www.allafrica.com

Facebook Blocks (throttling) “Good News” site, Liberia’s most popular Page. Jobs-Liberia.com good news Facebook Page has reached nearly 200,000 in Liberia and around the world for years helping spread joy, pride and unity. However, we are on the brink of a potential lawsuit with Facebook. Facebook’s algorithm is blocking Jobs Liberia’s Page by mistake and should the situation not be remedied, we will be forced to take legal action. Jobs Liberia is a humanitarian not-for-profit organization that showcases Liberian talent. We promote mental health, feature local artists and fashion, and show heartwarming pictures of local Liberians. Nearly all of our Facebook Page content comes from local Liberians, which is published only with their written consent.
Jobs Liberia’s Facebook Page has touched hearts all over the world, posts are designed to bring happiness to people’s lives. Just ask any of our 165,000 followers- they’ll tell you the same thing! Unfortunately, it seems that Facebook’s algorithm has mistakenly put a stop to our Facebook Page. The average numbers of views on our posts have dropped a hundredfold, despite us paying the same amount to boost these posts. In addition to this, parents of children whose pictures have been selected to be featured in our Cute Kids of Liberia are no longer able to share these posts on our site with their friends or family. On our most recent Cute Kids feature, we had 6 shares and 170 comments, despite personally writing to 9 parents. In comparison, our 1st Cute Kids featuring, had 40 shares and over 500 comments. We have reported the problem to Facebook and reached out several times to have the situation remedied, but have yet to receive a single response.
We have become desperate! There is no reason why our Page should be blocked, we have done nothing different from the past, we always write the people that are being featured that they are now live on the site. Which is why we are asking Facebook to kindly correct this situation. We simply cannot reach our audience to deliver the daily good news.
While Facebook is restricting our reach, we are unable to move forward. Jobs Liberia has recently developed a new, free ultra low battery and data usage bartering app that allows users to trade, sell and buy. We are confident that our app can help the barter economy flourish and lead to better trade of goods and services, which will lead to free, organic job creation. The best way to share our app with as many people as possible is to promote it on our Facebook Page; however, with restrictions placed on this Page, this is now impossible. Our goal with this app is to empower people so that they are no longer limited by the money in their pockets. This app needs to reach the widest audience possible, which can only happen if the restrictions on our Facebook Page are removed.
Jobs Liberia also had plans to expand to Bangladesh, but had to cancel these plans for fear of the entire site being seized. The Facebook restrictions on our Page have not only hurt our business efforts, but they have also hurt our pride and restricted us from effectively doing our jobs. We at Jobs Liberia strongly feel that it is our duty to serve the people of Liberia to the best of our ability. We see no reason why the country’s most popular site should be blocked from delivering good news and handing out prizes! We have been advised to turn the problem over to legal counsel if this situation does not resolve itself.

Yours truly,
Steve Pejman Dee (Founder)
Los Angeles, California

September 15, 2017

Creating jobs throughout Liberia – Jobs Liberia Referrals

Hello everyone, we’re working on a FREE App that should be ready sometime 2nd half of 2018. This App will allow people to connect in a way never done before throughout Liberia. We’ll help promote your goods and services to our over 150,000 Facebook followers in Liberia to bring the customers to you. Wish us luck, we are working hard to bring the App to you as soon as possible. We’re hoping the success of this App will help produce hundreds of thousands of transactions over the coming years.